Apr 20 · May 20
The second sign in the zodiac is Taurus, the steadfast and loyal bull. The builder of the zodiac, they produce abundance in all areas of their lives.
Your Daily Horoscopes
March 12, 2025

Today’s Taurus Tips:
You'll be secretive about your love life as crafty Mercury merges with retrograde Venus in your house of seclusion. It's an opportune moment to spend time on your own, rethinking your plans and desires. A relationship matter that you thought you had put to bed may be up for reassessment. Do you need to have a conversation with a past or current love interest? Or is this something that you need to work out on your own? Don't use an unresolved matter as an excuse to reach out to someone who is no longer interested in connecting. It's unlikely that they'll answer your questions or give you the closure you seek.
Discover how you and your partner are in sync with Zodiac Compatibility

All About Taurus
Venus rules both Taurus and Libra and can lead you to the discovery of beauty, attraction, and love. It is not a stretch to call its influence ‘lucky’, considering that luck favors Venus, but it’s limited compared to the fortune of Jupiter. During its short retrograde (42 days), Venus may lose its knack with new investments and love, and instead offers greater opportunity to revisit old ideas and past relationships.
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Enhances relationships

Helps communication

Stimulates imagination

- 5,
- 35,
- 50,
- 57,
- Interior Designer
- Restaurant Owner
- Landscaping
- Fashion Designer
- Hotel Manager
- Jessica Alba
- Jessica Lange
- Adele
- Rosario Dawson
- Jack Nicholson
- The Rock
- George Clooney